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A tool for computation of electrical losses in wind farms grids

L. Rouco, I. Campos, M. Hernández, J.C. Pérez, I. Gómez de Olea

International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality - ICREPQ '17, Malaga (Spain). 04-06 April 2017


Accurate calculation of electrical losses of wind farm grids is needed in the economic evaluation of wind generation projects. This paper describes a tool for computation of electrical losses in wind farm grids. It makes use of the probability density function (PDF) of the wind speed of each wind generator to develop a set of generation scenarios.

Keywords: Wind generation, Weibull probability density function, electrical losses.

DOI: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.24084/repqj15.353

Published in Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal, vol: 15, pp: 458-462

Publication date: 2017-04-30.

L. Rouco, I. Campos, M. Hernández, J.C. Pérez, I. Gómez de Olea, A tool for computation of electrical losses in wind farms grids, International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality - ICREPQ '17, Malaga (Spain). 04-06 April 2017. In: Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal, vol. 15, nº. 1, e-ISSN: 2172-038X

    Research topics:
  • *Steady-state: Load flows, analysis of power system constraints, optimal load flows, voltage control ancilliary service,short-circuits, protections in transmission and ditribution networks